Krister's Blog
krister at hallergard dot com
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Flashing ROM:s - Rooting
This is where I used to draw the line: NOT Flashing ROMs or trying to Root my devices. But I had two devices for which the alternative was
scrap - so why not risk it?
Samsung Galaxy TAB S - Failed!
This tablet (running Marshmallow) was retired almost 2 years ago, and only recently did I become aware of it failing with a WiFi loop - disconnecting and connecting
WiFi every 10 seconds. Googled and tried all the suggested settings, and in the end made a factory reset. The problem continued. Decided then
to risk rooting this device to see if that might help.
The first problem was that "adb devices" did not return the device - so how to flash TWRP? Found a solution by
using ODIN and tapped the option "Reboot download if possible". Upon rebooting TWRP did start and I wiped System,
Data and Cache, and then followed the suggestion to reboot. Wish I had not!
Now it did not work to "adb push lineagebuild.zip /sdcard, as the tablet was not recognized. And I was not able
to restart TWRP, as I could not boot into Recovery Mode.
Got the idea to use ODIN to flash the previous factory build (Lollypop), as my main objective was to get rid of the WiFi loop.
Said and done - but it would not boot. So flashed the current factory build (Marshmallow) - it booted with a loop of error
messages, that I could not switch off (unlike the WiFi loop). Thought that I had bricked the tablet.
 Galaxy TAB S How change to Recovery Mode?
Moto G 2nd (2014) Part success
This phone (on Marshmallow) was also retired 2 years ago. I had the idea of using it to play mp3 playlists via Bluetooth to our SONY SRS-XB10 speakers
in the Conservatory. This worked OK as long as I did not try to do anything in parallell with the phone, which
then went into a "buffering" mode. Memory - RAM only 1 GB? Not much to loose, if flashing a newer ROM failed.
Everything worked as per the instructions.
And it was easy to enter "Recovery Mode" in the phone's bootmenu. And the phone (now on Oreo) seems more alert but the "buffering" problem has not gone away completely.
Nexus 9 - Success
This encouraged me to continue flashing, next with my Nexus 9 tablet (on Marshmallow), which had been idle for over 2 years. Yes, everything went smoothly.
And the tablet (now on Oreo) seems quicker! Does having no bloatware make a difference? Success!
 MotoG (2014) Tap down for Recovery Mode
 Nexus 9 - Recovery Mode
Samsung Galaxy TAB S - Success!
Decided to have a last attempt: how to boot into Recovery mode? Finally found the answer: Force switching the device off
with HomeVOL-Power and then immediately press HomeVOL+Power. Tricky! And now "adb devices" did return the device as "recovery" and
it was possible to push to the tablet.
First tried lineage-15.1-20180823-UNOFFICIAL-chagallwifi.zip, but could not mount the internal storage.
Then tried lineage-15.0-20170922-UNOFFICIAL-chagallwifi.zip but kept getting the error message that the Setup Wizard had stopped.
Found this older one working: Lineage-14.1-20170423-UNOFFICIAL-chagallwifi.zip and later changed to lineage-14.1-20190810-UNOFFICIAL-chagallwifi.zip.
The tablet now works fine (on Nougat) and more importantly there is no WiFi loop! Success!
 Our Android Devices Updated
Nexus 9 Update
I could not get a screen recorder to work with Android 8 Oreo. Decided to downgrade to Android 7 Nougat. Tried five different ROMs, but all got
stuck on "Google" when booting. After learning that the factory images for bootloader and vendor had to be flashed, and after learning how to
do that, I successfully booted lineage-14.1-20200217-UNOFFICIAL-flounder (Nougat). Four out of five screen recorders worked.
Plan to try Android 10, which supposedly has an api for screenrecording - but now is probably too early, so will wait about a year.
Update 2020-04-04
Nexus 9 Update
Wanted to record VoIP calls on my tablet and found the app VoIP Recorder & Screen Recorder
from Boldbeast Software, which does require root. It has to be rooted with Magisk rather than SuperSU.
So I had to wipe and reinstall from scratch and flash with Magisk. Works fine.
Seems that there will not be any ROMS for Android 9 Pie or higher.
Update 2021-01-11
Galaxy TAB S2
So I got myself a new tablet Galaxy TAB S7, which meant that I could risk trying to root the Galaxy TAB S2. Had some problems to install TWRP, but finally managed
by using ODIN rather that fastboot - seems Samsung has stopped supporting fastboot. And also not following the ODIN advice to tick automatic reboot.
Added Magisk.
Update 2021-02-18